How To Clean That Smelly Dishwasher

What is that SMELL???
How to clean your dishwasher...

Oh how I hate those smells that seem to linger in my dishwasher. I came across this cleaning method on Pinterest.
  1. Remove the filter in your dishwasher. It is usually located in the bottom of the dishwasher. Check your owner's manual for the exact location. I never knew this before I got a new dishwasher. The service person that installed it made sure I knew where this filter was located.  He said check on it about once a month to make sure everything in there is removed. This could clog your dishwasher if left unchecked.
  2. Place a dishwasher safe bowl (the size of a cereal bowl) in the top rack of your dishwasher. 
  3. Run the hottest cycle you can.  Make sure your dishwasher is completely dry before running another cycle.
  4. After running the vinegar cycle, then run a baking soda cycle. 
  5. Pour baking soda over the bottom of the dishwasher. If your dishwasher is particularly smelly, leave the baking soda in overnight. 
  6. Run another hot cycle in the morning.
You'll be totally surprised how keeping that dishwasher clean will help lingering smells in your kitchen not return so fast.

Thank you Jillee from "One Good Thing" for the helpful hint!

Well folks, that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed my post on "Comfort Food" my case comfort food is Stuffed Cabbage, Pierogi, Asparagus and Banana Bread...It always reminds me of my Mom...
...Always remember...Life's short, eat dessert first!"...words to live by!