Oh so many years ago my Grandmother taught me how to crochet. It was a labor of love for her. I also learned to knit when I was in high school and made many knitted items. I loved both needlecrafts, but I always have leaned more towards crocheting. So much so, that I started a little craft business called "Handmade by Hoffy". I love making hats, mittens, and accessories. I also love making afghans.
Granny squares are still so popular for afghans and other crocheting projects. I started this post writing about the Orange Blossom Afghan, which I think is so beautiful. But, I decided to also showcase some age old Granny Squares. You remember those, right? With all the different ways of making granny squares these days, I thought it was fitting to right something about them, but first lets talk about the Orange Blossom afghan.
The "Orange Blossom" afghan pictured above is from "Garns Studios-Drops Designs". I found this website many years ago. There are thousands. and mean thousands of "free" patterns for knitting and crocheting. The patterns are written in many languages. I've made a few of their items. It is a great resource for the avid knitter or crocheter.
Orange Blossom Afghan Pattern
Just click on the picture of the Orange Blossom Afghan and you will be redirected to their website for the pattern. It's a great pattern and I love the colors they use...
Measurements: approx. 92 x 136 cm / 36 1/4" x 53½"
Here is what you will need for the Orange Blossom Afghan
Materials: DROPS PARIS from Garnstudio-see note below
500 g color no 17, off white
200 g color no 13, orange
200 g color no 38, raspberry
100 g color no 01, apricot
100 g color no 14, strong yellow
100 g color no 33, medium pink
200 g color no 13, orange
200 g color no 38, raspberry
100 g color no 01, apricot
100 g color no 14, strong yellow
100 g color no 33, medium pink
NOTE: Many of the Drops Design yarn is available on Amazon with "free shipping" if you have Prime. However, the "Paris" yarn appears to only be available through Drops Design on Amazon but shipping is extra and pretty pricey. I believe that you could use any type of yarn that you desire on this project. A good cotton yarn or a polyester worsted yarn would work also.
Here are the conversions for yarn purchased in the United States
500 grams = 18 oz. of yarn (approx.)
200 grams = 7 oz. of yarn (approx.)
100 grams = 4 oz. of yarn (approx.)
CROCHET HOOK size 5 mm / H/8 – or size needed to get 14 dc x 8 rows = 10 x 10 cm / 4'' x 4''. Each square should measure approx. 22 x 22 cm / 8¾" x 8¾".
CROCHET HOOK size 5 mm / H/8 – or size needed to get 14 dc x 8 rows = 10 x 10 cm / 4'' x 4''. Each square should measure approx. 22 x 22 cm / 8¾" x 8¾".
Now On To The Granny Squares...
Back in the day, granny square capes, vests, and sweaters were all the rage. I believe these days granny squares are pretty much used in large afghans and baby afghans. There are so many beautiful patterns for afghans and this post is going to highlight a few. Also, I would like to show a few granny square options for those beautiful afghans.
Here are a few granny square designs and tutorials that I also think would make beautiful afghans.

Flower Granny Square

No matter what design you use for a granny square, they are all beautiful for any afghan you would like to make. I love the colorful granny squares. You can use up all those little balls of yarn that you have left over from other projects. I have hundreds of ball of yarn left over from all the items I make for "Handmade by Hoffy". Someday, when I'm done making items for other people, I'm going to use up every one of those little balls of yarn. It will be my memory afghan of all the things I've made.
One Final Thought...
I hope you enjoyed my post on granny squares and beautiful afghans you can make yourself. Like I said in the beginning of my post I love to crochet. There's something about it that makes me relax. My sister-in-law, who worked in an after-school program with elementary kids once told me when the kids were getting a little crazy she would bring out yarn balls and crochet hooks. They would settle down instantly. There's something truly relaxing about a ball of yarn and a crochet hook...
How to remove nail polish with "One" cotton ball
I bet you're thinking there's no way, right? I don't remember where I got this little hint, but it really works...

- First unroll the cotton ball.
- Tear the cotton ball into 10 small pieces.
- Dip your cotton balls in nail polish remover.
- Place each piece on either your toe nails, or your finger nails and let set for a few minutes.
- Remove the small cotton ball pieces and viola' the polish is gone.
Also, after you have removed the polish make a paste of 1 T. of hydrogen peroxide and 2 1/4 T. baking soda the mixture on your nails. Let set for a few minutes and then wash the mixture off with soap and water. Your nails will be pearly white like you never had polish on them at all.